
  • “Better than just short workshops! I very much liked that this course went in depth.”

    — Alumna

  • “I actually found all the classes very useful and did not want to rank them. This course made me reflect that introspection is the first part of becoming a good leader but in general a good person first. Everyone should follow a course like this. It should be mandatory, especially the part on personality and biases; people who are not aware about those facts misjudge colleagues continuously even if they are not leaders.”

    — Alumna

  • “The classes and assignments made me think and actually put in action a lot of facts I had previously vaguely known about, but never bothered to think about more deeply. The course helped me to clarify the view on myself, my strengths and weaknesses, my goals, and ways to get there. I am very glad I participated; this course made me grow a lot personally, and I am excited to use the learned techniques in future leadership positions!”

    — Alumna

  • "The program had a session in which we had to write a proposal about our career. It made me reflect about what I really wanted to do and what was needed for the business as well. I wrote my proposal for the class and then, as the proposal was to increase collaboration, I submitted it to my leadership and the leadership in a different business unit. The teams said it was “brilliant” and I created my new role! This wouldn’t have happened without the Leadership Program."

    — Alumna

  • "The program helped me in framing and identifying some key leadership skills that I already had; this new vocabulary has been key for communicating my skills and wins assertively during promotion cycles (I have been promoted twice since the start of the Leadership Program). It also helped me figure out leadership aspects that I am not comfortable with yet and need to work on."


  • "The program increased my self-confidence to be proactive and take leadership roles, and particularly developed my communication skills."


  • “I think this program has helped us to take a mixture of information, some we already knew and some we were hearing for the first time, and put it altogether in a way that makes it useful to help raise us up. From new ways to observe and analyze situations to conflict resolution strategies to putting ourselves into someone else's shoes, each of the lessons taught in this program just built our confidence in ourselves as well as in each other. As though now, a community we were already a part of, got a little more tight knit and a lot more secure.”

    - Alumna

  • "I think that the biggest thing that I’ve taken from this program is that we are all always trying to better ourselves and that we never have to do it alone. The communities we build through this program can continue to support us long past this week and the connections we’ve made can help us not only in our careers but also in our personal lives. Leadership is not just something we have intrinsically but something we learn as we grow and it’s something that we can build together.

    - Alumna

  • "Knowing that I am part of this community full of genuinely amazing human beings, it gives me hope that even though we still have a long way to go in making things more equitable for women in STEMM, we (the women in this room and everyone we touch) will move the needle. Because now we’ve learned the many pitfalls and barriers that women face, learned how to strengthen our weaknesses and blind spots, and honestly, how to use our underdog status to our advantage. "

    - Alumna