Alexia is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at Deree - The American College of Greece, a collaborating researcher at the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA), and Co-founder and CEO of Anacalypsis Therapeutics. She was born in raised in Canada, where she studied Pharmacology (BSc Honours) at the University of Alberta, in her hometown, Edmonton. She received her PhD in psychopharmacology at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and then continued with postdoctoral studies with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Parkinson’s disease, at BRFAA. The last few years, she has been navigating, alongside her academic career, the entrepreneurial world as a neuroscientist/startupper with a vision to push forward novel biomarker and disease-modifying therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease. Finally, Alexia is deeply passionate about promoting women leaders in STEM, founding the “WIBS: Women in Biomedical Sciences” mentoring program in 2022, participating in last year’s Epistimi program, and now, as a fellow of the Center for Excellence in Sustainability at ACG, she will lead the new Women in STEM initiative: ΦSTEM. Her goal is to empower young women to follow their dreams, inspire them to “fix the leaky pipeline” of women in STEM leadership, and assure policies for equality, diversity and inclusivity are in place and enforced.

Dr. Alexia Victoria Polissidis

Alexia is the co-founder & CEO of Anacalypsis Therapeutics