Leadership development for women in STEMM by women in STEMM
Plan your leadership journey – where are you now?
Epistimi is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is dedicated to advancing, increasing, and encouraging the leadership and presence of women in the professions of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine (STEMM) around the globe.
Epistimi Leadership Training Information Session - Please email epistimi.org@gmail.com to set up a time
Creating Opportunities for Leadership Development
The focus of Epistimi is to help women in STEMM all over the world begin their leadership journey while getting their doctorates, during their postdocs or early in their careers.
Mentoring, Advising, and Networking
Having mentors and advisors who are not part of your ecosystem is critical when you have a crisis at work. The small classes and strong bonds that form between participants and with instructors create a network that you can reach out to when you need advice.
Course Offerings
The curriculum from the MIT LEAPS course – Developing Your Leadership Competencies – forms the core of Epistimi’s leadership training.
Credit: Rose Lincoln Photography
“Every single class was very valuable. The most useful aspect was that it is spoken in the language of STEM. All those things we might have suspected [were going on] but were afraid to discuss were discussed. Having the specific tools to navigate our field is powerful and allows us to become a real and strong leader. Also, we learned to be happier, true to ourselves and able to pursue the greater good.”
“This course made me reflect that introspection is the first part of becoming a good leader but also a good person. Everyone should take a course like this. It should be mandatory, especially the part on personality and biases: people who are not aware of those facts misjudge continuously.”